FULL VIDEO: 60 Days of harvesting bok choy, eggplant, chicken eggs, and squash to sell at the market 1 năm ago3061 0
Harvest giant wild tubers – go to the market to sell – Cook a special dish that everyone has eaten 1 năm ago3061 0
Completed corridor on the 2nd and 3rd floors of wooden house 2023 – living with nature 1 năm ago3411 0
Orphan boy – Harvesting chicken eggs to sell at the market, Good people give him clothes 1 năm ago3731 0
Orphaned boy – Difficult life, Harvesting vegetables to sell at the market, Taking care of livestock 1 năm ago2521 0
Orphan boy Life is difficult, Harvesting Grapefruit to sell at the market, Playing football 1 năm ago2681 0