Build an underground shelter for the chickens and release the ducklings into the pond

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Build an underground, shelter for the chickens,  release the ducklings into the pond

13 ngày trước
Hey my Dear. Your new chicken nest 2:52 looks nice, and your farm is lovely . Thanks for sharing and all your heart work. Like you and your farm very much ❤❤❤❤❤. The ducks are looking happy on the water 😂😂😂😂


Girl Building Bushcraft life

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Girl Building Bushcraft life

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Первый раз такое вижу. Довольно оригинально, куры должны быть довольны. Хорошего дня Кхе!❤


Girl Building Bushcraft life

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Girl Building Bushcraft life

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Kandang bebeknya buat di dekat kolam aja nona cantik 🙏🙏❤️


Girl Building Bushcraft life

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8 ngày trước
I really enjoy all your videos, everything you make in your farm is nice and pretty
God bless you ❤


Girl Building Bushcraft life

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Girl Building Bushcraft life

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Girl Building Bushcraft life

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Girl Building Bushcraft life

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2 tuần trước
good morning, good afternoon, or good night…the first thing I will tell you is that the little pig always makes me laugh…because he follows you wherever you go and takes care of you as if he were a puppy…observation to the ducklings like their water…how can I say that the nests you have made for the chickens are safer…for that work 10 points…take care and greetings from the island of Puerto Rico… I’ll see you in the next video….❤👋👌👍🏽👏💪🤗😊😁😀🌻🌼🌸⚘🌎🇵🇷🌺🏵🌹🌷🤩😄🥰😍💪👏👍🏽👌👋❤


Girl Building Bushcraft life

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Girl Building Bushcraft life

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2 tuần trước (đã chỉnh sửa)
That brilliant to make the chicken shelters like that, it save you space and no need to build outside coops for them.yougotthis👍
God bless you Khe.🙏🤗🥰✌💘


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Girl Building Bushcraft life

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2 tuần trước (đã chỉnh sửa)
Deiner Hühnerhöhlen erinnern mich an antike Gebäude in der Antike … gaaaaaaaaanz toll gemacht und stylistisch sehr hochwertig … und Deiner Frisur gehört auch ein Lob…


Girl Building Bushcraft life

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Girl Building Bushcraft life

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Đã nói rồi em luôn có những ý tưởng tuyệt vời, đẹp về kiến trúc nhưng có hiệu quả thật sự không phải chi để vui. Love you KHE ơi💞💞💞💋💋💋


Girl Building Bushcraft life

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13 ngày trước
❤❤❤❤ 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆❤❤❤❤


Girl Building Bushcraft life

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7 ngày trước
🙋‍♂️🌹oi princesa 👸🏻linda guerreira você faz um trabalho perfeito incrível top 👍😍beijos linda 🌹♥️🌹♥️🌹♥️


Girl Building Bushcraft life

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Girl Building Bushcraft life

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2 tuần trước
Hahaha, even the ducklings love you, Khé! Not to mention Peggy Sue…
Everybody loves you, prettiest woman.
Again, what can you NOT do with your hands??
I love your shoes.
Khé: I’ve seen snakes and eagles in other similar farms. Are you OK in this? No other predators?

You and your farm are getting bigger and bigger, better and better, lovelier and lovelier.
What would I do to share them with … you?


Girl Building Bushcraft life

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Girl Building Bushcraft life

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